Scott Mannion's Metalore
Scott Mannion's Metalore
What is Initiation? | part2 | A Philosophical Sketch (AUDIO ONLY)

What is Initiation? | part2 | A Philosophical Sketch (AUDIO ONLY)

Alchemy & the Philosopher's stone

A Philosophical Sketch: Alchemy & the Philosopher's stone


02:14 - The four organs of man, The elements, the biblical animals the imprint of YHVH (Heidegger’s Fourfold, Aristotle’s four causes)

06:21 - Alchemy: Making the animals winged, the philosophers stone

11:39 - Synchronising symbols: Sword, Cup, Coin, Sceptre

12:58 - Philosophically understanding initiation

16:58 - Vocation: Direct experience of the process

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Scott Mannion's Metalore
Scott Mannion's Metalore
Scott ignites a raging hearth fire in European and Historical-American with vitalising exhortations, dissident dialogues, cultural analysis: discover lost psychotechnologies that decipher your destiny and place in our story through Scott's examination of great—and esoteric—literature, symbol, narrative, and ritual. Join in exhuming and defining our hidden metaphysical incendiary essence from out the heroic sagas, symbols, mythos & folklore—the hidden wellspring—of our civilisation. Subscribe at Join the Greenwood project and participate at