Scott Mannion's Metalore
Scott Mannion's Metalore
Escape the Thought Regime: What is the 'meaning crisis' really?

Escape the Thought Regime: What is the 'meaning crisis' really?


Contents and video version below friends:

0:00 - Modernity as the enchantment 01:15 - 3 crisis' 03:17 - The Thought Regime: Crisis of truth 05:26 - Basic sketch of Pre-disclosed illusion 07:55 - Sketch of Experimental Phenomenology 11:23 - Scientism removal 13:50 - The Ideational superstructure 15:22 - Crisis of Value: Nihilism & the end of Philosophy 15:46 - Ground of technology & will to power from virginity 18:04 - The history of Being & Transvaluation of all to Will to power 21:12 - The West grows old as she grows away from Virginal first beginning: Mary Sophia 21:57 - Symbol vs Diabol: Mercenaries cut up Christ's clothes 23:02 - You have no future without providence 24:46 - Dissolve polemical energy for virginal Zoe 25:52 - Crisis of WAY 26:10 - Active Nihilist artwork 27:00 - Nietzsche's possession, identification with Ahriman 29:13 - Active nihilist as the moon prince 30:51 - The Moon Arcana: Escaping History and the Moon Paradigm/thought regime 34:26 - A true resurrection of art 36:05 - Jung & Bergson heal Nietzsche's diagnosis.

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Scott Mannion's Metalore
Scott Mannion's Metalore
Scott ignites a raging hearth fire in European and Historical-American with vitalising exhortations, dissident dialogues, cultural analysis: discover lost psychotechnologies that decipher your destiny and place in our story through Scott's examination of great—and esoteric—literature, symbol, narrative, and ritual. Join in exhuming and defining our hidden metaphysical incendiary essence from out the heroic sagas, symbols, mythos & folklore—the hidden wellspring—of our civilisation. Subscribe at Join the Greenwood project and participate at